Saturday, January 22, 2011

17 Weeks!!!!

This is the big week!!!!!!!!! We find out what were having on Wednesday!!! I just cant take it any longer!!!! Girl? Boy? Girl? Boy?
This week has been off and on for me. I've had a couple good days and some bad. I met my obgyn for the first time, which was... a bad experience =/ He went to go listen for the baby's heartbeat and couldn't hear it. I could tell he wasn't in the right spot on the tummy. He freaks out and calls the nurse to come in and bring the ultrasound machine immediately!! Now, if you want to give a mommy-to-be a heart attack..THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT! Needless to say everything was fine. He just didn't know what the heck he was doing!  I will be switching doctors lets just say that. I've been seeing the nurse practitioner since the pregnancy has been going so well. I had to see the obgyn this last time because of the migraines. He is referring me to a neurologist to get to the bottom of these migraines. I will update once I know whats going on. But, thats really all thats happened this week. I've just been doing a lot of resting and trying to fight off these headaches. I will be posting on Wednesday once we find out the sex. So make sure you check back!!!!!!!!!

Boy? Girl? Boy? Girl? Boy? Girl? Boy? Girl? Boy? Girl? Boy? Girl? Boy? Girl? Boy? Girl? 

How your baby's growing:

Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.

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